You may have noticed that the same two books have been listed over to the right for some time now. You may assume that I quit reading them long ago, or that I've forgotten to update my reading list (which is partially true). But in reality I have developed a strange condition that feels a lot like reading ADD.
Before having four children I would pick out a book, begin reading it, and then over the course of the next few days or weeks I would complete that book and then move on to the next one. Phone conversations were much the same. Pick up the phone, talk uninterrupted for five minutes or an hour and then hang up and move onto my next task. Not so much now. I remember after the birth of my third child I found that there was no longer any convenient time to talk on the phone. My oldest no longer napped, my younger ones always wanted attention, and in the evening I often felt so spent I wanted nothing more than to stare mindlessly at the t.v.
I don't know when it happened, but about a year ago I noticed that I was constantly in the middle of several books at the same time. And so, if I am to be completely honest, I am currently in the middle of six or so odd books.
Here is my actual current reading list:
Story (slowly, it is very large)
The Shack (quite good, but I keep waiting for a down day with no interruptions so I can slowly read and absorb every detail of it - my friend keeps telling me that day only exists in my imagination)
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World (for a book study group I'm leading this summer)
Now Discover Your Strengths (my husband is reading it and said I'd like it, which is true), Discover your Spiritual Gifts the Network Way (notice a theme here? my husband and I are in a small group to talk about and discover more about our gifts and strengths)
and I am always reading My Utmost for His Highest (my favorite and only spiritual devotional) and the Bible (always so much more to learn and apply)
This probably sounds overwhelming, but to me it's actually refreshing. Like I said, I've developed a sort of reading ADD. The last book I sat down and read from cover to cover without picking up another book in between was Atonement. Then I proceeded to spiral into an unhealthy depression - I do not know if there is another more depressing book or movie. But I loved both the book and the movie (I also like the Cure, if that tells you anything about me).
So now I am a moody reader. If I've had a long hard day with the kids I'll read something quick and light. If it's been a fun goof off day, then I'm usually in the mood for something more heady and challenging. Whereas if it's been a long monotonous week, I'll pick up something to really inspire me and remind me that I'm living for more than laundry and 3rd grade homework.
I have actually finished my C.S. Lewis book and I have to say I rather enjoyed him. He is truly a brilliant man. I know the rest of the world is already aware of this, but I now see why so many of my friends are Lewis groupies. His intellect is stunning. His reasoning simple, but profound. And I love that he is an incredible example of what it means to love God with our minds.
And so, though my new reading habits are not the most efficient or logical, right now they work for me.
1 comment:
oh i totally know what you mean (aside from the kids and husband thing, haha)... being in college also gives you no free time to read what you want to. i've gotten sooo many books in the last year or so and i have had NO time to sit and read them! i'm just now reading George Orwell's 1984... i started it today! i still have some music and german books to read, but they always take so much thinking! lol. reading is one thing i wish i could have more of in my life. :)
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