Friday, February 29, 2008

Shout out to ISU

I wanted to give a little shout out to the girls of ISU, in case anyone decides to stop by. I had a great time last weekend at the Illinois State women's retreat. It is so much fun to get to know people from different campuses and see the unique personality of each church.

These girls - they know how to have fun! I have never seen anything like the Friday night Pirate Booty game we played. It was a high speed scavenger hunt, and I'm still amazed that no one was seriously injured and there were no major squirmishes as they fought to get back to the hostess/game god with their booty.

I don't know if it's the Chicago competitive influence going on or what, but here in Indiana our girls tend to be a little more laid back.

Thanks for inviting me to teach on The Walls of Jericho. As I said before, I got so much out of my preparation that I was praying that God intended this teaching for you, too. Thanks to your responses, I was able to see that God did speak to you throughout the weekend. Thanks for welcoming me in and allowing me to share the things that God put on my heart with you.

I'll be praying for your walls to come down.

Oh, and I am still struggling to find any more specific definition of "heap." I'll let you know if I get a better picture of just what God did with the waters of the Jordan when the Israelites walked across on dry land.

This weekend I head north to do my God of Romance seminar at a women's conference. I'm excited for my first opportunity to teach women in a different age bracket (30-50 year olds) and see how God speaks to them through His word.

And I get to meet the reigning Mrs. Michigan (she's the main speaker). You can all look forward to a picture of me posing with royalty next week.;)


Jeff and Steph said...

You're a little jet-setter- that's what you are!! Only a matter of time before I'm in some small group doing a study that you wrote! :)

Anonymous said...

totally agree with steph! it sounds like you had a lot of fun. i'm glad you are having opportunities to do what you love!